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Students' Centre




At a Convocation Symposium in November 2011, all members in attendance at the Convocation Symposium (forming a sizeable representation of the University’s alumni, alumnae, teachers, and senior administrators) agreed to endorse the idea of setting up a ‘University Students Centre’ on campus. This was a novel idea meant to meet two needs. First, the students centre would be a solution to a number of problems students had encountered for a long time – of a lack of a “one-stop centre” for comprehensive social services such as resting-and-reading spaces, stationery stores, and quick refectory supplies during waiting hours for scheduled classes. The second and even more novel need was a ‘brooding-center’ or ‘hatchery’ for creative concepts that needed interim intellectual and practical experimentation and/or possible transfer through wider community outreach. For More Information on the Students' Centre Project.


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