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“Those who receive this privilege, therefore, have a duty to repay the sacrifice which others have made. They are like the man who has been given all the food available in a starving village in order that he might have the strength to bring supplies back from a distant place. If he takes this food and does not bring help to his brothers, he is a traitor. Similarly, if any of the young men and women who are given an education by the people of this republic adopt attitudes of superiority, or fail to use their knowledge to help the development of this country, then they are betraying our union”- Julius Nyerere, 1960.

Graduating from a University is a privilege and a big step in one's life journey.

Once obtained a degree, you become part of the alumni community and the University of Dar es Salaam remains your intellectual home.

The Alumni Relations Office believes the success of a university depends greatly on the solidarity and engagement of its alumni-One Alumnus(a) for other Alumni!

The University strives to keep you connected to your alma mater long after the excitement of obtaining your qualification in order to for you serve other students and alumni- One candle lights other Candles.