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  • Prof. Joel Nobert with IRA female PhD graduates
  • IRA New Doctors in Town (Dr. Sophia Kizigo and Dr. Amani Rweyendela) with their Supervisor (Dr. Noah Makula Pauline at the middle)
  • IRA PhD and Msc graduates 2023 at the 53rd Graduation Ceremony 2nd cluster at Mlimani City Conference Hall

Partnerships and Collaboration

The International Research and Training Centre for Environment and Development (IRA) operates most effectively through established formal partnerships with a range of local and international organizations, continually expanding its horizons to cultivate new collaborations. IRA has fostered connections with all UDSM (University of Dar es Salaam) Colleges, Faculties, and Institutions, engaging in collaborative research and community service initiatives.

Local Collaborations:

IRA maintains strong ties with various government and private sector institutions, working collaboratively in research and community service initiatives.Notable partners include:

  • Government Ministries:

    • Vice President’s Office - Division of Environment
    • Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism
    • Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security
    • Ministry of Water and Livestock Development
    • Ministry of Regional Administration and Local Government
    • Ministry of Lands, Urban Development, and Human Settlement
    • Ministry of Energy and Minerals
    • Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology
  • Specific Departments and Agencies:

    • Wildlife Division
    • Tourism Division
    • Forestry & Beekeeping Division
    • Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH)
    • Tanzania National Parks
    • Survey and Mapping Division
    • National Bureau of Statistics
    • National Land Use Planning Commission
    • National Environment Management Council
    • Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA)

International Collaborations:

IRA has established significant collaborations with external institutions and organizations, contributing to its global network.

Recent international partnerships include:

  • Universities and Research Centers:

    • University of York-Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Dynamics (UK)
    • Pennsylvania State University (USA)
    • Geological Survey of Greenland and Denmark (GEUS)
    • University of Copenhagen (CLIVET Project)
    • Michigan State University (EACLIPSE project)
    • Pennsylvania State University (ALCCAR project)
  • Funding and Development Organizations:

    • International Development Research Centre (IDRC) through the African Climate Change Fellowship Program (ACCFP)
    • International START Secretariat
    • Stockholm Environment Institute Africa Centre (SEI-Africa)
    • WATERNER and the Institute of Water and Sanitation Development (IWSD)
    • Water Research Fund for Southern Africa (WARFSA)
    • International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN)
    • Southern Africa Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA)
    • International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA)
    • Eastern Africa Association for Impact Assessment (EAAIA)

Furthermore, IRA has established significant links for research, training, and capacity building with the School of Geography, University of Stockholm. The Man-Land Interrelations in Semi-Arid Areas of Tanzania (MALISATA) research program, which funded 10 IRA staff at a Ph.D. level, stands out as a crucial initiative. Collaborations extend to institutions such as the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), the Center for Environment and Development of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Technica University of Delft in the Netherlands, Norwegian Agricultural University (NORAGRIC), World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF), USAID, GTZ, DANIDA, University of Nairobi, University of Malawi, University of Zimbabwe, and University of Makerere.