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Applicants to be admitted in this programme should have appropriate and advanced knowledge and skills in science subjects (Biological sciences or physical sciences or Mathematics or Environmental Engineering). The students should possess Master’s Degree in Biological sciences, Physical sciences, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Management, or an equivalent master degree from a recognised higher learning institution.


This is a four years degree programme with one year for coursework and three years for dissertation. A candidate to be awarded a PhD in ..., he/she must earn a minimum of 540 credits of which a minimum of 180 credits are from coursework and 360 credits from the dissertation.

The coursework will have a weight of 180 credits and will be covered in two semesters. Each course in this programme is worth 18 credits, which is equivalent to 1800 learning hours per semester. Since the semester is 15 weeks, the number of learning hours per week is 12. In order to meet the minimum 90 credits per semester a student is required to do at least 5 courses per semester. The research leading to dissertation which carries 360 credits will be conducted in the second to fourth year.

Field of Study
Programme Type