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Lecturer and Head of Chemical and Process Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Technology


University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania PhD, Energy Engineering, 2015, Thesis: Modeling of fast pyrolysis of biomass for bio-oil production, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania MSc. Chemical Engineering, 2010 - Thesis: Analysis of performance of a circula



1.  Production of ethyl alcohol for processing hand sanitizers, the project done at the University of Dar es Salaam, 2020.

2.  Fuel Oil Production from Plastic Waste through Pyrolysis Process, the project is conducted at University of Dar es Salaam since 2020- present.

3.  Recovery of Metals from Printed Circuit Board (PCBs), the project done at University of Dar es Salaam, 2020.

4.  Improvement of waste water treatment plant at Kilombero Sugar Company Limited, Morogoro, Tanzania 2018.

5.  Cleaner Production Assessment Report of Kilombero Sugar Company Limited, Morogoro, Tanzania, 2017.

6.  Investigation of chemical fire accident at seifi impex limited warehouses at Mbagala Rangi Tatu, Temeke District, Dar es Salaam, Bureau for Industrial Cooperation (BICO), 2017

7.  Development of Tanzania Standard: Management of electrical and electronic waste. It was sponsored by Tanzania Bureau of Standard, 2017

8.  Assessment of the e-waste disposal in Tanzaia, University of Dar es Salaam, 2017.

9.  Feasibility study for potential investment in solid waste management in Tanzania: A Case of Dar es Salaam City. Bureau for Industrial Cooperation (BICO), 2015.

10. Analysis of flue gas from coal biomass briquettes and charcoal, the research was sponsored by Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH), 2010.

11. Designing and installing the high-tech medical/hazardous waste incineration facility with air pollution control devices (APCD), since 2010 to Present.



1.  S.V. Manyele and M. M. Said (2021), Analysis of the effect of feed composition and thermal condition on distillation plant performance using a computer model. Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology. Under review.

2.  S.V. Manyele and M.M. Said (2021), Assessment of a multistage wet scrubber performance based on scrubbing  solution pH and Conductivity measurement, Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology. Under review.

3.  Dativa Byarufu, Jamidu Katima, Mahir Said (2019) Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on Hydropower Generation; A case study of the New Pangani Falls, Tanga. Towards Climate Resilient Society for Sustainable Future in Africa, October 8th – 10th, 2019. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

4.  C. Mhilu, M Said, Z Chaula, G John, S. Manyele (2018), Non-Isothermal Degradation and Thermodynamic Properties of Pine SawdustSmart Grid and Renewable Energy, Vol.09, No.12(2018), Article ID:89542,13 pages 10.4236/sgre.2018.912017.

5.  Said, Mahir, Geoffrey John, Cuthbert Mhilu, and Samwel Manyele. "The Study of Kinetic Properties and Analytical Pyrolysis of Coconut Shells."Journal of Renewable Energy 2015 (2015).

6.  Mahir M. Said, Geoffrey R. John, Cuthbert F. Mhilu, Samwel V. Manyele, The Influence of Temperature and Residence Time on Fast Pyrolysis Products from Pine Sawdust, Journal of the Institution of Engineers Tanzania, 2014, 13(1) pp 1-10.

7.  Mahir M. Said, Geoffrey R. John, Cuthbert F. Mhilu, Samwel V. Manyele, Analysis of Pyrolysis Kinetic and Energy Content of Agricultural and Forest Waste. Open Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development, Volume 1, Number 1, pp.36-44, 2014

8.  Mahir M. Said, Geoffrey R. John, Cuthbert F. Mhilu, Thermal Characteristics and Kinetics of Rice Husk for Pyrolysis Process. International journal of renewable energy research, 2014.

9.  Zephania A Chaula, Mahir M. Said, Geoffrey R. John, Thermal Characterization of Pine Sawdust as Energy Source Feedstock. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy. The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education, 2014. 4(4) 57-64,, ISSN 2224-3232 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0573 (Online).

10. Arthur Omari, Mahir M. Said, Geoffrey R. John, Karoli Njau, Energy recovery routes from municipal solid waste, a case study of Arusha-Tanzania. Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy. The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education, 2014.

11. Zephania A Chaula, Mahir M. Said, Geoffrey R. John, Cuthbert F. Mhilu, Samwel V. Manyele, Modeling the Suitability of Pine Sawdust for Energy Production via Biomass Steam Explosion.Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, 2014, 5, 1-7, (,

12. Mahir M. Said, Samwel S. Manyele, Hydrodynamics of a multistage wet scrubber incineration conditions, Educational Research and Reviews Vol. 7(11), pp. 270-281, 2012,, DOI: 10.5897/ERR10.018.