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College History

The College of Social Science (CoSS) is situated on the main campus of the University of Dar es Salaam, namely Mwalimu Nyerere Mlimani Campus, commonly known as “The Hill”. The College main building is the Social Sciences Tower which is close to the University Administration.The College of Social Sciences started in 1964 as Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) and the second oldest faculty of the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM). In 2009, FASS was changed to the College of Arts and Social Sciences (CASS). The CASS continued to grow in terms of departments and programmes and in 2013 it was split into two Colleges, the College Social Sciences (CoSS) and the College of Humanities (CoHu).

The College of Social Sciences consists of five (4) departments;  Sociology, Statistics, Geography and Political Science and Public Administration. The Department of Sociology consists of three units known as Anthropology, Psychology and Social Work. Apart from the departments shown above, the College has units namely Information Studies in the Library, Social Work, Anthropology and Psychology in the Department of Sociology.

In terms of services and products, CoSS has been concentrating mainly on the core University mission and purpose particularly teaching, research and public services. The College is offering undergraduate programmes, MA programmes, PhD (Thesis) and PhD (taught) programmes. Drawing competencies and expertise from the College, the College has been engaging in research and consultancy, short terms trainings, annual and occasional social science conferences and other public services of academic and professional interests to the College and to and to the wider public.

College Staff

The College of Social Science has two categories of staff; academic and supporting staff. Some of these staff are serving on permanent terms while others are on contract terms.

College Management

The College is headed by the Principal, Head of Departments and Units, Coordinators of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Studies, Coordinators of Research and Knowledge Exchange and Administrative Officers.

The highest organ of decision making of the College is the College Board. The Board is composed of the Chairperson (Principal of the College), Head of Departments, Coordinators of Units, 1 member from UDSM School of Law, UDASA, THTU, COHU, the Chairperson and Secretary of DARUSO - CoSS, College Examination Officer, Coordinator of Quality Assurance and Administrative officer.

The College functions through various committees including Undergraduate Studies Committee, Higher Degrees Committee, Research and Publication Committee, Editors Committee, Management Committee and Staff Review Committee. These committees are formed by members selected from each department and unit.

The College of Social Sciences main function is to adhere to the core functions of the University of Dar es Salaam which are; teaching, research and publication and public service. The role of College Management is to make sure that these functions are achieved on time through College Strategic Plan.