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Dr. Samia & Dr. Kikwete

President Samia and Chancellor Kikwete win ALM 2023 Person of the Year awards

By Special Correspondent, CMU

In a prestigious recognition of their outstanding leadership, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan, and the former President and University of Dar es Salaam Chancellor, Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, have emerged the winners of the 12thAfrican Leadership Magazine (ALM) Persons of the Year Awards 2023.

This follows a 2-step selection process which included a call for nominations and an online voting poll that closed at midnight (CAT) on Thursday, 14 December 2023.

President Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan has been honoured as African Political Leader of the Year, while former President Dr. Kikwete won the African Peace and Security Leader of the Year.

Also, other two Tanzanians have been honoured in the awards: Mr. Said Salim Bakhresa, Founder of the Bakhresa Group, as African Industrialist of the Year and Dr. Jesca Mhoja Nkwabi, Chief Executive Officer, KOM Group, Tanzania, as Young African Leader of the Year.

The four secured victories in the respective categories largely based on result from the online poll, which attracted vote entries from across Africa and the globe to register a 29% increase in the votes cast in the 2023 edition compared to last year.

The ALM Persons of the Year Awards are Africa’s premier vote-based endorsements, annually reserved for leading Africans contributing to the continent’s progress, positively altering its perceived negative image.

The 2-step selection process offers an opportunity for Africans from across the globe to be part of the celebration of leaders contributing to Africa’s growth and development.

Significant strides and remarkable contributions

In his remarks, the Chairman of the African Leadership Organisations and Publisher of the African Leadership Magazine, Dr. Ken Giamisaid the winners of the 2023 edition of the ALM Persons of the Year Awards made significant strides and remarkable contributions to the African renaissance in the year under review.

Dr. Giami said the winners’ contributions considered were especially “in driving sustainable development, fostering economic growth and promoting peace and political stability across the continent”.

 Dr. Giami also asserted that “their sacrifices, policies and actions have bolstered regional peace and cooperation, improved healthcare and education, and laid the groundwork for substantial progress, economic growth and human capital development across Africa.”

The winners and runners-up will be formally presented with instruments of honour during the flagship annual ALM Persons of the Year awards ceremony billed to be held on 22 and 23 February 2024 at the Ethiopian Skylight Hotel in Addis Ababa, the African Union headquarters.

The key highlights of the ceremony, which is co-hosted by the Ethiopian Customs Commission, shall include the unveiling of the special POTV Edition of the African Leadership Magazine, Africa’s Leading Customs and Ports Administrators’ Yearbook 2024, as well as globally third-party commendation awards and multi-dimension high-level networking session.

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