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Researcher Project Outline


1. RESBEN: UKRI-GCRF funded project on “Unlocking resilient benefits from African water resources” The project aims at sustainable water resource development and focuses on the novel research theory, methodologies and practice in order to meet the UN SDGs and realize the Africa Water Vision 2025. The aim is to apply transformative, transdisciplinary, community-engaged research, to shift water development outcomes towards SDGs. This project is implemented in partnership between University of Dar es Salaam and African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) Water Centre of Excellence at Rhodes University.



The contact person is DR. Joel Nobert, Dr. Mulungu and Dr. Alexander. (April 2020 – March 2023).




2. BRrIAC: Building River Resilience through Integrated Approach under Climate Change under UDSM Competitive research and innovation Grant 2020-2021. The research embark on the reduction/ prevention of flood through erosion control along R. Msimbazi using common methods and locally sourced materials.

The contact person is DR. A. Alexander, Dr. D. Mulungu and Dr. F. Izdori.


3. LASER PULSE RFA 2019 grant for project titled “Data-Driven Decision Support for Improved Water Security in East Africa” implemented in Partnership with Purdue University. Project aims at assessing the impacts of climate change on the hydrologic regime of Simiyu Sub-catchment in Tanzania.(October 2020 – September 2022)

The contact person is Dr. S. Munishi and Dr. A. Alexander


4. SIDA grant for Sustainable Sanitation in Theory and Action (SUSTAIN) which is an interdisciplinary training program aimed at strengthening the research capacity in postgraduate integrated sanitation management (ISM) at the Department of Water Resources Engineering (WRE) of University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) through a collaborative partnership and exchange of staff from Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies(LUCSUS).

The contact person being Dr. Kimwaga and Dr. Alexander.


5. SIDA grant for project titled The development of affordable adsorbent systems for Arsenic and Fluoride removal in drinking water resources in Tanzania, (DAFWAT); the contact person being Prof. Mtalo and Dr. Mtamba. This project ran for a period of five years i.e. 2015 to 2020 and extended to June 2022. The project is being carried out in partnership with Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology COSTECH and Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden.


6. SIDA grant for the project titled Linking Public-Private Partnership to Secure Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Kilombero-River Basin, the contact person being Dr. Joel Nobert. It is partnership between Water Resources Engineering, Institute of Resource assessment both of the University of Dar es Salaam and Stockholm University (SU). This project has been running since 2015 and expected to come to completion in June 2022. The project has already graduated 3 MSc students and two PhD students.